Monday, December 23, 2019

Presidency as an institution Essay - 1239 Words

The Presidency as an institution Both the administration of Carter and Reagan were shaped by the Cold War in the aftermath of Watergate. Watergate created cynicism of the government, which in turn made governing difficult both intentionally as well as improvisational because the institution of the President was seen as acting in the best interest of itself. President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan both had their difficulties as President. Carter had terrible problems with economics as our country underwent high unemployment as well as many other economic problems. Reagan was one of the unfortunate Presidents that had to deal with assassination attempts. Both Presidents had great accomplishments both foreign and domestic. Carter†¦show more content†¦He invited Sadat the Prime Minister of Egypt and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to meet with him at Camp David in an effort to reconcile the two nations. Carter helped secure an agreement between the sides and won national as well as world wide p raise for helping the sides come together in peace. This success was near forgotten when in 1979, a mob of Iranian students stormed the American embassy in Tehran, taking ninety hostages. On top of this Muslim fundamentalists seized power in Iran, cutting off oil supply to the United States. This only worsened economics in America, and Carter was blamed for the economic problems Page 3 of the United States. The economy dipped so much that inflation rose to an astronomical figure of 18%. Inflation rates stuck around in double figures for most of the time during the end of the Carter Presidency. High unemployment rates as well as high interest rates were put on the back burner as Carter tried to solve the Iranian hostage crisis as well as the shortage of fuel, which is one of the reasons why the economy spiraled downhill. As far as improvisational, Carter struggled in dealing with the Iranian Hostage Crisis. No plan was ever developed for the release of the hostages on a diplomatic level. This lead to a disaster of sorts in rescue attempts. Carter ended up never resolving the crisis, and it didn’t endShow MoreRelatedPresidency as an Institution1265 Words   |  6 PagesThe Presidency as an institution Both the administration of Carter and Reagan were shaped by the Cold War in the aftermath of Watergate. Watergate created cynicism of the government, which in turn made governing difficult both intentionally as well as improvisational because the institution of the President was seen as acting in the best interest of itself. President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan both had their difficulties as President. Carter had terrible problems with economics asRead MoreThe Legal Approach Of The American Constitution889 Words   |  4 Pagesany tyrannical regime because it is all about laws and legislatures. 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