Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay about European Expansion Moves to the New World

Thus in the beginning all the World was America. Interestingly, the development of Lockes ideas of property and money came at a time when Europeans expansion into the New World was just beginning to take hold (source). The very definition of economic imperialism is that countries expand their territories to collect resources in order to garner economic profit. The more robust economies tend to become the most powerful nations, and so the control of resources is sought out in order to monopolize both wealth and power in the world (Lovelace, 2014). Nations that are at odds with this general philosophy are threatened with aggressive assimilation tactics that in the end tend to further reinforce the dominance of the imperialist nation. From†¦show more content†¦Locke and Winthrop, another staunch defender of Englands right to aboriginal land maintained that enclosure was a signature way to prove ones ownership of the land, and since the Amerindians had enclosed non of their land to farm on, they had no right to it (Arneil, 1996, p. 63). Winthrop goes on further to say, that these cultivation rights were sanctioned by God (Arneil, 1996, p. 65). To Locke, this justified the appropriation of land to European settlers, who would use the land in what he believed to be a productive manner. This theory was a way to create moral legitimacy for taking land away from the indigenous people (Arneil, 1996, p. 1). Locke notes that the source of all value comes from owning and labouring the land (Locke, 1956, par. 40), and this is the point where the notion of money rises in importance. The storage value of money allows one to transcend one from a simple labourer on the land to an international trade merchant. In Lockes view, this is more efficient and civilized practice as increasing ones wealth can effect more intense and efficient labour of the land and generate profit from all over the world. You can see the shift from the notion that physical labourers of the land deserve to own the land; rather, engaging in world commerce identifies people who are most efficient at using their land, with wealth being a mark of productivity (Arneil, 1996, p. 69). Accumulating land and enclosingShow MoreRelatedNative Indians And The Native Americans1491 Words   |  6 Pages Throughout history from the founding of the New World to what we are today the Native Tribes have been always pushed around. Never a ble to settle down nor were they able to make peace with the Europeans as they took their land and killed off their tribes. Struggles with disease and European troops, the Native Americans attempted to fight back. Most of the time unsuccessful, but the natives did have their one or two victories. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Presidency as an institution Essay - 1239 Words

The Presidency as an institution Both the administration of Carter and Reagan were shaped by the Cold War in the aftermath of Watergate. Watergate created cynicism of the government, which in turn made governing difficult both intentionally as well as improvisational because the institution of the President was seen as acting in the best interest of itself. President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan both had their difficulties as President. Carter had terrible problems with economics as our country underwent high unemployment as well as many other economic problems. Reagan was one of the unfortunate Presidents that had to deal with assassination attempts. Both Presidents had great accomplishments both foreign and domestic. Carter†¦show more content†¦He invited Sadat the Prime Minister of Egypt and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to meet with him at Camp David in an effort to reconcile the two nations. Carter helped secure an agreement between the sides and won national as well as world wide p raise for helping the sides come together in peace. This success was near forgotten when in 1979, a mob of Iranian students stormed the American embassy in Tehran, taking ninety hostages. On top of this Muslim fundamentalists seized power in Iran, cutting off oil supply to the United States. This only worsened economics in America, and Carter was blamed for the economic problems Page 3 of the United States. The economy dipped so much that inflation rose to an astronomical figure of 18%. Inflation rates stuck around in double figures for most of the time during the end of the Carter Presidency. High unemployment rates as well as high interest rates were put on the back burner as Carter tried to solve the Iranian hostage crisis as well as the shortage of fuel, which is one of the reasons why the economy spiraled downhill. As far as improvisational, Carter struggled in dealing with the Iranian Hostage Crisis. No plan was ever developed for the release of the hostages on a diplomatic level. This lead to a disaster of sorts in rescue attempts. Carter ended up never resolving the crisis, and it didn’t endShow MoreRelatedPresidency as an Institution1265 Words   |  6 PagesThe Presidency as an institution Both the administration of Carter and Reagan were shaped by the Cold War in the aftermath of Watergate. Watergate created cynicism of the government, which in turn made governing difficult both intentionally as well as improvisational because the institution of the President was seen as acting in the best interest of itself. President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan both had their difficulties as President. Carter had terrible problems with economics asRead MoreThe Legal Approach Of The American Constitution889 Words   |  4 Pagesany tyrannical regime because it is all about laws and legislatures. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Marine Corps Free Essays

I want to be a Marine Corps Officer to serve my country. It is in my blood That is my first priority and will always be my first priority. Yes, it is great that an NROTC scholarship would pay for my tuition and fees and so on. We will write a custom essay sample on Marine Corps or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, one cannot put a price on the pride and dignity of being an officer in the Marine Corps. No one in the world has greater talent, leadership, and determination to take the initiative, than a Marine Officer. Through Varsity sports, DECA, and over sixty community service hours, I’ve learned how to lead a team, work with others to accomplish a mission, and that being a leader is hard work. However, there is no doubt that I am ready and willing to take on the challenge of being a leader. A leader of men who are the proudest and most feared warriors in this world, a leader of Marines. I live for challenges like these and I am mentally, physically, and morally capable of achieving this dream of mine. This career I strive for is something I’ve wanted to do since the first day I spoke with a Marine Corps recruiter. Marines have something about them that seperate themselves from the other military branches. That â€Å"something† is what I am looking for and is what I need. I believe the Marine Corps can make me into something greater than myself, something that demands greatness. The only thing I am missing is the oppurtunity. Give me the oppurtunity to prove to you and our country that I am a leader and that I have what it takes to become one of the few who can lead Marines. How to cite Marine Corps, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Mother poem Essay Example For Students

The Mother poem Essay â€Å"The Mother† poem is written in free verse, it flows and is easy to read and understand. It is ultimately about the mourning of â€Å"A Mother â€Å"who has lost her children this poem shows the deep desire she has, to only want the best for her children. Throughout the poem from the first to the last we can unmistakeably see, what fate her and her children would have had, had they lived. This poem gives the readers exceptional understanding into the 1940s era, were a world of lifestyles, poverty and secrets were the everyday â€Å"norm† this is the era, were abortions were a â€Å"Crimes† and it was seen as a â€Å"Sin† to abort a child. Prostitution was an everyday occurrence, due again to lack of money in these impoverished times and there was no contraception in this era. The writing of the poem is impeccable as if Gwendolyn writes for herself in fact I actually do believe â€Å"the mother† is Gwendolyn, it is clear to see that only a person who has been through this, could write with such emotion and sentiment. This poem is wrote from the heart, and as a reader it pulls at each and every emotion, especially if you are a women. The poem is about a â€Å"mother â€Å"who grieves for her aborted children, yet this woman never actually ever felt the pain of childbirth, she never touched 10 fingers and toes, and she never caressed their hair. She tells us vividly of her babies in her womb, how she hears their tiny cries. In line 20 to 33, she talks willingly to her children, she tells them how much she loves them, and how much she longed for each and every one of them to survive. She also gives in detail how, she was not â€Å"deliberate† and how she sees them as â€Å"never made†, she is and will always live with the guilt and pain of the abortion. No matter how she visions it in her memory, this poem is so full of prevailing emotions â€Å"The Mother â€Å"is feeling and always will feel loss, sorrow, love, and also anger but the deepest sentiment is the guilt. The guilt that explodes her heart into a million pieces, she torture’s herself relentlessly with the deaths of these children. Each and every day for the rest of her lifetime, she will hear her babies cry, she will imagine there birth, she will imagine them getting married, she will be left with anger, frustration and heartache. She never chose her life, it was a life many people suffered it’s the era of poverty it was an era were women did not bore children out of wedlock, according to the church and god abortion was a dreadful despicable word. Who knows how the back street abortions affected her, or her health she was wide open to infection and even death. The people of this time looked down on people like â€Å"The Mother† she was no better than the dirt on their shoes, she would be known as a whore due to the work she did. But it’s the only life she knew, and she knew with all her heart, that the decision was right to abort the children. She didn’t want them having a life like hers, too live like she did, she knew in her decision no matter how heart wrenching it was, she made the choice to abort so her children could be saved from the dark and dangerous world that awaited them. The ending of the poem it shows us the person â€Å"The Mother† really was it reads â€Å"believe me, I loved you all. â€Å"Believe me, I knew you, though faintly, and I loved, I loved you†. â€Å"All†. She telling her children that despite everything, whilst she was pregnant she made bonds with these children, she cradled her belly, she spoke to them and soothed just a normal mother would, she could have named each one of them. .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 , .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .postImageUrl , .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 , .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870:hover , .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870:visited , .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870:active { border:0!important; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870:active , .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870 .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u212c2421af05ebbca02c8a22b40b6870:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bipolar Disorder EssayThe last word is â€Å"All† she knew it was â€Å"All† her fault and she never denies this, her life added to the abortion decision, she loved them† All† each and every one of them. All is, â€Å"HER ALL† which were her children, and even though they didn’t survive the abortion they lived on in her memory forever. She was a mother right up until that fateful day, when her children were taken from her, and I really do think that with each child’s death a piece of â€Å"The Mother† died too. References  http://sparknotes.com

Friday, November 29, 2019

Articles Of Federaiton Essays - Currency, Economy, Paper

Articles Of Federaiton Jonathan Thibodeau Government under the Articles of confederation could not deal effectively with many issues that arose during the 1780's. Despite it's many weaknesses, the new government accomplished a great deal. The western lands became the prize and treasure of the new government. Since the Articles of Confederation could only request financial support form the states instead of demanding taxes, these western lands replaced taxes. The so called public domain or unsettled land were larger than all the established states put together. Therefore, by selling the land, the weak new government received money that it couldn't find in any other way. Instead of using this vast area like the European did with the thirteen colonies we made an Empire for Liberty. The Empire was built by adding new states. This was an extremely unique idea among people during the time. The charting of the vast western public domain was one way the government under the Articles of Confederation was praisewort hy. It was the greatest single achievement in domestic policy for the Confederation Under the Articles of Confederation each state was given the power to regulate their own currency. Each state issued it's own money. As a result nobody knew exactly how much a New York dollar was worth compared to a one from New Jersey or Virginia. The more money there was in circulation, the less a dollar was worth. Finally, there was just a financial collapse and a paper money was considered worthless. For five long years the colonies experienced the worst business depression. This inefficiency to deal with the regulation of currency not only caused one of the worst depressions the colonists had ever seen but also set the groundwork for a major rebellion called Shay's Rebellion. People were so angry that their paper money had become worthless because of the initial problem of each state creating it's own currency, that a rebellion was organized by Daniel Shay to make banks and other money collector s accept cheap paper money. Men participating in Shay's Rebellion considered cheap paper money as bad as taxation without representation. As you can see government under the Articles of Confederation lacked the ability to effectively regulate currency because it caused a depression and a rebellion. The U.S constitution attempted to solve the currency problem by making one standard currency for the entire country. This made it much easier to facilitate money between the different states. Now the states didn't have to transpose the value of for example New York dollar to a Virginia dollar. The standard currency throughout the country immediately solved many problems. The value of a dollar was raised and there was less money in circulation. It was a solution that cleared up many problems somewhat quickly. Another major problem of the Articles of Confederation was the government had no President. When the people created the Articles of Confederation, they purposely did not want a Presid ent because they were afraid of giving any person too much power. This decision caused many problems such as lacking the power to raise and maintain a proper army and navy. Also other countries didn't respect us as much and therefore it was hard for us to negotiate treaties. This problem was obvious when Adams couldn't get the commercial treaty. This caused national security problems because we didn't have a President to act as Chief Diplomat; therefore other countries didn't respect us. In order to solve this problem of national leadership, under the U.S. constitution the role of President was created. The President was made Commander-in-Chief of all the nation's armed forces. The President also had the power to negotiate treaties and appoint officials. This solution helped the country because one single person did not posses too much power but at the same time had enough power to make smart important decisions and run a country efficiently. The military was another Major problem, because they had no experience they made it so that any person below the rank of coronal had to be chosen to be placed in that position by the state legislator. So in battle this would take way to long to replace someone. As you can see the Articles of Confederation had some

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Feminism of Bewitched - The Escapist 1960s Sitcom

The Feminism of Bewitched - The Escapist 1960s Sitcom Sitcom Title: BewitchedYears Aired: 1964–1972Stars: Elizabeth Montgomery, Agnes Moorehead, Dick York, Dick Sargent, David WhiteFeminist Focus? In this household, the woman has power – magical powers. The fanciful 1960s sitcom Bewitched starred Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha Stephens, a witch married to a mortal husband. The underlying feminism of Bewitched revealed a â€Å"typical housewife† who is actually more powerful than her husband. Samantha used her witchcraft powers to solve all sorts of problems, despite having promised her husband, Darrin, that she would no longer practice magic. The Perfect Housewife? When Bewitched began airing in 1964, The Feminine Mystique was still a new book. The woman-as-happy-suburban-homemaker was an idea featured prominently on television, despite the dissatisfaction real women felt in that role. The feminism of Bewitched made Samantha the clever, interesting one. The wacky situations were played for laughs, but she repeatedly rescued Darrin or other characters - including herself. At Home, At Work, At Play Dutiful Darrin kissed supportive Samantha goodbye and trotted off to his respected advertising agency job, leaving her in their lovely middle-class home. He was never gone long before some chain of events was set in motion that ended up with Samantha needing to use her powers to end the predicament.   Often the instigator was Samantha’s mother Endora, played by Agnes Moorehead, who famously called Darrin â€Å"Derwood† and never understood what Samantha saw either in him or in normal mortal life. Why, Endora asked, would Samantha suppress her witchcraft when she could enjoy being supernatural, powerful and immortal? Other times, the plot revolved around Darrins work, and Samantha worked her magic to save the day and prevent the latest client from finding out that she was a witch. Neighbors, co-workers and other mortals repeatedly noticed something suspicious resulting from witchcraft, but either Samantha, Endora, or another witch would use magic to remedy the situation. Samantha and Darrin had a young daughter, Tabitha, who was also capable of witchcraft. Power Dynamics and Feminist Sleight of Hand? Bewitched was a simple escapist sitcom, but the idea of glorifying a husband’s efforts to control his beautiful, perky housewife rightfully strikes feminist viewers as offensive and outdated. It is true that Bewitched featured Samantha â€Å"choosing† to be a housewife and do things the â€Å"normal† way, despite the persistent argument from Endora that Samantha deserved better.    However, Bewitched was also clever. Apart from the visual gags when people or objects appeared and disappeared at the twitch of Samantha’s nose, much of the show’s comedy came from its suggestiveness and subtext. The feminism of Bewitched was a fantasy, but also a logical if extreme take on the idea of a husband and wife coming together from different worlds to have a relationship and family. Feminist Behind the Scenes Elizabeth Montgomery was a lifelong supporter of women’s rights in real life. Although viewers may wish that Samantha stood up to Darrin more forcefully and more often, they also know that Samantha was the hero and was basically always right. Bewitched revealed a hint of feminism in 1960s sitcoms; meanwhile, the women’s liberation movement developed in the U.S. throughout the years the show was on the air. Other Portrayals Bewitched is sometimes compared to I Dream of Jeannie, another supernatural sitcom that featured a young, pretty, blonde woman with magic powers. It began in 1965 but never had as much ratings success as Bewitched. Jeannie was more of a male fantasy: Barbara Eden played a genie released from a bottle who obligingly, if humorously, served her master (Larry Hagman). Jeannie’s long-remembered pink and red costume showed her midriff, but TV executives did not approve of showing her navel. Elizabeth Montgomerys conservative-yet-fashionable Samantha arguably offered more personality, wit and charm as Samantha Stephens. Bewitched was turned into a feature film starring Nicole Kidman in 2005. Betty Friedan In 1964, Betty Friedan wrote Television and the Feminine Mystique, about how women were portrayed on television: either as hoping for love or envisioning revenge on their husbands.  Bewitched  countered this stereotype by doing neither. Her mother Endoras criticisms of household work echoed Friedans criticism of the stay-at-home wife.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Stateless Nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Stateless Nation - Essay Example this research will be, â€Å"The past, present, and future prospects of the Kurds and Kurdistan.† The Kurds have lived in the hilly regions of Turkey and Iran for more than two thousand years. However, this typical group of people with an Indo-European background has never secured a home or national status (West 1). The Kurds, in the 1990s, the Turkish state evicted the Kurds. This stood as a resettlement rather than just an eviction, and the Kurds had to move out of their urban and rural entities that they initially had (Jongerden 4). The following disciplines will assist in researching about the Kurds on this topic: politics, historical, and behavioral. The Kurds have a rich history and this study will highlight their past struggles and illuminate reasons behind their statelessness. Many nations are also involved in the statelessness of Kurdistan. Researching on this aspect will elucidate the political factors intertwined with the Kurdistan (West). Finally, looking into the behavioral aspects of the Kurdistan will present the life these peoples life and impact of their statelessness on their information seeking behavior (Meho and Haas). Meho, Lokman I., and Stephanie W. Haas. â€Å"Information-Seeking Behavior and Use of Social Science Faculty Studying Stateless Nations: A Case Study.† Library & Information Science Research 23.1 (2001):

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Review of the Book Economics in One Lesson Essay

Review of the Book Economics in One Lesson - Essay Example Unfortunately, most of the time this fact is always hidden because bad loans made by the government are hidden in most federal spending. On the other hand, when banks collapse due to bad loans, it is announced all over the news. Political considerations further hide the bad loans as a result of government lending. This does not happen in the private sector unless the firm in question is affected by a politically motivated legislation. The community reinforcement act is an example of a legislation that advocates for loans to individuals who do not qualify. The book cites the Bush administration endeavors to ensure that banks lend more money. Based on the current times, Hazlitt argues that tariffs such as NAFTA are harming the economy. Hazlitt states that both consumers and producers are hurt by the tariffs. His argument is the opposite of the common notion that tariff affects consumers only. He explains that tariff forces consumers to pay much higher than they could have had to pay wi thout it. This means the extra dollar spent due to the tariff could have been used elsewhere. Therefore, this denies producers of other goods and services that dollar. Tariffs are aimed at protecting local industries against competition from foreign goods. On the other hand, imports are good because they provide other countries with local currency necessary for buying domestic goods Hazlitt addresses the economic impact of government actions and remains silent on protectionism due to national security. He states that the real gain from foreign trade for any country lies in its imports and not its exports (Tom the Redhunter para 11). He supports his statement by arguing that businessmen imports products because they are cheaper for the consumers compared to domestic products.... This paper offers a comprehensive review of the book Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt. The book introduces the common man to simple and clear economic thought. The author does not object public program spending but rejects the use of public projects as a plan of injecting money into the economy. He argues that public projects should be justified based on their importance to the economy. Based on the current times, Hazlitt argues that tariffs such as NAFTA are harming the economy. Hazlitt states that both consumers and producers are hurt by the tariffs. His argument is the opposite of the common notion that tariff affects consumers only. He explains that tariff forces consumers to pay much higher than they could have had to pay without it. Hazlitt addresses the economic impact of government actions and remains silent on protectionism due to national security. He states that the real gain from foreign trade for any country lies in its imports and not its exports. The book also addresses the fallacy that cost of production determines the market prices. Hazlitt argues that demand and supply determines the market price. Bailouts are necessary to save collapsing industries. The book lays emphasis on the importance of extensive analysis of both primary and secondary consequences of proposed policies. The free economy needs to be revived by removing unnecessary government intervention but still maintain important interventionism. The government needs to learn from past mistakes so as to make better informed decisions later.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Single Person Decision Theory and Efficient Market Theory Essay

Single Person Decision Theory and Efficient Market Theory - Essay Example The theory trusts the decision making capability of an individual and holds the belief that the decision maker is equipped with extreme computational expertise. According to the single person decision theory, investors should be completely made aware of the potential threats of investment along with the benefits that are frequently advertised. Not just this, the investor should also be made aware of the possible strategies that can be implemented to combat the threat. This requires the experts to be experienced enough to identify the potential threats that can be encountered as a result of the investment, and propose the solutions accordingly. Some of the key features of the single person decision theory are as follows: 1. It is essentially a model that formally explains the best way important decisions can be made and information can be considered. 2. It takes investing parties as risk averse. 3. It considers new information important enough to bring change in the decisions. 4. When new information is found, it may alter the original beliefs of the individuals responsible for decision making. 5. It explains the way an individual can make rational decisions while being in the state of uncertainty (Scott 60). 6. The decision maker selects the most appropriate choice from a whole range of alternatives.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Is Realism More Persuasive Than Liberalism Politics Essay

Is Realism More Persuasive Than Liberalism Politics Essay The two key concepts of international relations are realism with share a pessimistic view of human nature and liberalism that has an optimistic view to the rise of modern states. Realism has more persuasive account in international relations because of his pessimistic critic of human nature. As to realism definition the belief that within human morality there will always be conflict among people. In international relations realist believe that war is the only ultimate resolution of avoiding conflict. Liberalism is the international theory that holds takes positive view of human nature because human beings have ability to reason. liberalism believe that human being are self interested but also recognize that people share common interests therefore they co-operate with one another. Liberalism has a core belief in progress assumptions, for example Robert Keohane argued that liberals believes on the possibility of increasing progress. The key argument of liberalism is the aspiration to create people society where the potential can be achieved. They believe that citizens have to be brought up to do hard job. Even it the different liberals opinions in what the government role should have or be included. Classical liberal suggest that the government should not have a large functions, only three important functions are related to them such as, to guarantee order and law, to maintain protection against internal and external enemies, lastly to increase support to the two preceding functions. However modern liberals suggest that the states exist to help citizens and also themselves. The state plays important function, Liberals and conservatives strongly argued that the government is very important and play an important role in the assistances of citizens but realist dont accept the same idea. One of the most important idea of liberalism is related with freedom, that meant that all people in the world have the right to be free (natural freedom) but liberals dont trust in full freedom because they believe that people do not do what they want to do, if everyone should do what they want it would give the rely right. That should bring people in pluralism idea where is seeing as the diversity of opinion. Even if realists would see pluralism idea as strong because of the variety of opinions and is causing change in social aspect. About freedom conservatives differ with classical liberal because they suggest that freedom lead to negative freedom where everyone do what they like on every occasion they want, conservatives do not argue with that idea because they believe that individual freedom do not have the same power as the law. The conservative idea is that the law is a strong instrument to sustain peace and promote freedom from citizens that want to take the freedom and rights from the others people. Freedom is closely connected with the doctrine of laissez-fare which advocated minimum regulation and maximum freedom of action for the entrepreneur according to Goodwin. (Barbara Goodwin, 2007, pg 36, 41) Liberal belief in reason human rationality because they argued that human are completely able of achieve their own personal interests. Liberal sees reason as scientific knowledge and as a form of progress but conservative dont belief in that. Liberalism can suggest that belief in progress but conservative belief that the knowledge came from the earlier period. Reasons have never supported the idea of paternalism because paternalism is compare as authority and also helps direct that inferior level and the conservatism argued that the government is important for control of citizens. Liberalism has always repudiated the idea of real interests, arguing that that way lie paternalism and even totalitarianism, this means that only subjectively felt or expressed interests can count. Liberals also reject the Marxism contention that people en masse can be deluded about their interests and suffer widespread false consciousness, since this erodes the concept of rationality. According to Goodwin logically, argued that, Liberalism is a flexible and adjustable ideas; it has presided over what were arguably three of the most progressive and liberating centuries of human history. It should therefore be credited with many of the advances of this era even if it is also rightly blamed for many of our endemic social problems. (Barbara Goodwin, 2007, pg, 63) Realist view of human is based on the focus of individual and their own well-being. Realist believes that human have an aggressive relation with each others. Realists focus on domestic political life because they believe that the political world is consisted of international anarchy of sovereign states. Realism strongly focuses on state values, it national security and ensure state survival. Power allows states to act freely on strength resistance of each state due to their belief of anarchy government and non-existence authority in international relation. State can use their power only if they can justify their action base on evidence of their state security. According to realism states are allowed to act while using their power as long as they can evidently justify their action. Realists believe that international relations ken only improve unless an effective global democracy is put in please to prevent anarchy. Hans Morgenthau is a classic realist thinker of international relations of the twenty century; he argued that women and men have will to power. That is in particular clear in government and also specifically in global politics. Morgenthau view suggested that whatever states objectives are the will always use power to maintain t he values. According to him political activities are focus on use of power. The main concept of foreign policy is to ensure protection and defence of state interests in the political world. The great power has demonstrated effectively in modern world because of the claim of perceptive human nature to authority of the state, and they understand state behaviour as being a conflict. In the realist concept or ideas actors of the world politics are perceived as being less helpful or not important. For example International organizations, NGOs (Non- governmental organisations) and people. The main concern of realism is the state survival and protection of nation from danger. Realist argued that is the reasons to make foreign policy, and according to the realist all government in the world defend their own national interest because of self interests. Realists consider that the life of human would be terrible with no protections of state, and they also believe that there would be dreadful conditions in the peoples life and the value of state would not be certain. All the country states are seen as the defender of its land or region, and the value of life, according to Hobbes. All the foreign policies decisions should be done, on bases of the national interest. Ethics and human society cannot be extensive into the relationships of international relations. Realism is best compared with egoism or the absence of any formal system of government in a society. For example structural realists believe that international politics is important to try to overcome problem relating with power, but classical realist contrast this idea seeing that is a product of human nature, post -war realist, Hans and Morgenthau argued that the nature of man is the necessary description of international politics such fear, competition and war can be explained and also argued that, the most important aspect to consider is that festive people have to recognize that laws exist and think the most right polices that are regular with the basic fact that human beings are flawed creatures . The structural realists are more focus to the international anarchy. According to John Herz discussed that international anarchy guarantees the centrality of power; structural realism can be called also neo-realists. The biological realist focus more in human nature, in this theory is more evident that people are product of nature in action. Realist are considered more aggressive in foreign policy, they have always missing credibility for example Morgenthau went against the US war in the Vietnam to the point of rational understanding of national interest. Another good example is the US invasion war in Iraq; I would illustrate this as realisms council against the use of force. Realists in 1990 said, that Saddam Hussein in Iraq war proves that war and use of force represent dangers to the population and country. The liberal came with a different definition against the realists views of the Iraq situation or problems. They have seen the Middle East politics as exception. The liberal also argued that the world is moving towards the anarchy of sovereign state system. These contradictory ideas on the nature of global politics and how it is change will not rapidly be accepted. The realists stress permanence; the liberals stress change. Both claim the high ground of realism with a small. Liberals have a tendency to see realists as cynics whose interest with the past blinds them to change. Realists, in turn, call the liberals utopian dreamers. Liberals also argue that economic power has replaced military power as the central medium of international politics, this is greatly overstated. Security is like oxygen. It is often taken for granted when it is present, but you will think about nothing else once you begin to miss it. Realists rightly argue that economic instrument still cannot compete with military forces in their coercive and deterrent effects. Economic sanctions by the United Nations compelled neither Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait in 1990 according to Nye and Joseph. (Nye, Joseph S.1997, pg 55, 20 190) Hoffman argued that the core of liberalism continues is self-discipline, moderation, cooperation and peace where the real meaning of international politics is exactly the opposite troubled peace, at best or the state war. For example there was a brief resurgence of liberal sentiment at the end of the Second World War with the birth of the United Nations, although this beacon of hope was soon extinguished by the return of cold war. After 9/11, the US government has gain more power over the people, and they have consolidated their power to act against terror, and the states that help and give support to terrorist activities. Realism is more persuasive than liberalism because it as a realistic explanation of dynamics of the political world in the realist live and the name represents almost an unfair advantage in terms of student initial reaction to it. However, realism should be regarded just as name for an exacting way of opinion about the world; a label which is understood to imply certain basic assumptions. According to Steans and Pittsford argued also that, realists are malicious to the people, realists are necessarily heartless people who do not worry about malnourishment, authoritarianism and rainforests as long as the global system persists and conflict are unspoken and perhaps limited or controlled as much as possible.( Steans and Patti ford, 2001, pg 42). Rationality provides the final strategy to save realism as a general theory of international relation. For example, Kydd claims that the fundamental assumption behind realism is that states can be helpfully idea of as unitary rational actors substitute strategically under anarchy (1997: 120). Numerous others realists also appeal to what Robert Keohane calls the reason assumption: world politics can be seen as if states were unitary rational actors. Morgenthau argued that state act, as they must, in view of their interests as they see them (1962a:278). The issue is how they see them. Interests become interesting only when they acquire substance which is provided not by calculating, instrumental reason but by the passions (interests, desires). Realism is distinguished from other theories not by the rationality assumption, but by its substantive specifications of the interests of states leaders, and citizens. (Donnelly Jack, 2000, pg 64, 65).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Two Major Causes of the Urban Underclass Essay -- essays research

Soc. 456 The Two Major Causes of the Urban Underclass   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today in the United States, as well as in many other affluent, industrialized nations, there exists an urban underclass, which is defined as a class of people that comprises members of low-income households who have little or no participation in the workforce (Gilbert 2003, p. 274). Currently there are predominantly two distinct, conflicting views of why the underclass exists. On one hand, there is the notion that the underclass is simply the result of its members, who lack values and morals, and advocate unemployment (Whitman and Thornton 1986). Some, on the other hand, believe that social institutions and injustices are to blame for the underclass. According to Julia Rothenberg and Andreas Heinz (1998), â€Å"the current neoconservative discourse about the social behavior and problems of the poor centers around a notion of a morally corrupt underclass.† Charles Murray, a conservative, and one of the leading advocates of this notion, measures the underclass by things like criminality, dropout from the workforce among young men, and illegitimate births among young women. He writes of the members of the underclass as â€Å"people living outside the mainstream, often preying on the mainstream, in a world where the building blocks of a life—work, family and community—exist in fragmented and corrupt forms†(Murray 1999). Because this group of people, which is proportionately small, stays at a relatively constant level in terms of income with seemingly no ambition, Murray blames them for their own problems. Murray’s solution to the underclass is simply to lock up the criminals; he has no sympathy for them, as he believes that they are under complete control of their own actions (Murray 1999). He argues that inner-city poor people have opportunities in low-level jobs, but turn them down, in part because the fast life of the street makes it attractive not to work (Whitman and Thornton 1986). Among people who take the conservative side, the underclass is seen as the scum of society, a class of people that is undeserving of any help. According to Sonia Martin (2004), conservative and non-conservative â€Å"observers frequently view the underclass as homeless, young, black, welfare-dependent, drug-dependent, intellectually disabled, physically disabled, criminals, sole parents (typically women), p... ... some decent-paying employment opportunities. References Gilbert, D. (2003). The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality, United States, Wadsworth. Whitman, D. & Thornton, J. (March 17, 1986). A Nation Apart. U.S. News & World Report. v100. Rothenberg, J. & Heinz, A. (Summer 1998). Meddling with Monkey Metaphors Capitalism and the Threat of Impulsive Desires. Social Justice. v25 n2. Murray, C. (Nov. 1999). And Now for the Bad News. Society. v37 i1. Martin, S. (Feb. 2004). Reconceptualizing Social Exclusion: A Critical Response to the Neoliberal Welfare Reform Agenda and the Underclass Theseis. Australian Journal of Social Issues. v39 i1. Sanoff, A.P. (March 4, 1991). [Interview with Nicholas Lemann, author of The Promised Land: The Great Black Migration and How It Changed America]. U.S. News & World Report. v110 n8. Massey, D.S. (Sept. 1990). American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass. American Journal of Sociology. v96 n2. Pearson, R.W. (June 1991). Social Statistics and an American Urban Underclass: Improving the Knowledge Base for Social Policy in the 1990s. Journal of the American Statistical Association. v86. n414.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Circulatory System Essay

The heart and blood are the transport system in the body. This assignment looks at the structure and function of the circulatory system and also includes a diagram of the circulatory system. The heart is a hollow muscular organ which acts as a pump, located in the chest and lies left behind the sternum.’ Blood vessels also transport blood throughout the body’ (Wikipedia). There are 3 major types of vessels which will be discussed later in the assignment. The blood is a main component of the body. It is used to transport materials, act as a defence against disease, helps regulates temperature of the body and helps with blood clotting. The blood is made up of 4 elements: Plasma, Red blood cells-erythrocytes, White blood cells-Leucocytes and Platelets. Plasma makes up the main composition of blood with 55% volume. It contains 90-92% water and is slightly thick and is straw coloured fluid. Red blood cells-erythrocytes are made in the bone marrow of the ribs and sternum and are broken down in the spleen and liver. The main function is to carry oxygen. White blood cells-Leucocytes are larger than red blood cells. Their main function is to protect the body from certain infections. Platelets are formed in the red bone marrow. It has an important function in blood clotting. Blood vessels are comprised of 3 main units, arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Their structure is made up of a thick, stretchy muscular wall, they have a narrow central tube and they contain no valves. Arteries branch into smaller tubes called arterioles and then into capillaries. Their main function is to carry oxygenated blood. Veins carry blood towards the heart. Its structure is made up of thin walls with little muscle, they have a wide central tube and they also contain valves. Veins branch into venules and then into capillaries. Veins main function is to carry deoxygenated blood. Capillaries carry blood between arteries and veins. Their structure is of a thin wall with only one cell thick and a very natural central tube. Substances can only leave or enter the bloodstream through the capillaries. ‘They are mainly responsible for bringing necessary substances to the cells and draining waste materials away’ (Encyclopedia Britanica). There are 4 chambers, or open spaces inside the heart that fill with blood. Two of these are called the atria; the other two are called the ventricles. ‘The left ventricle contracts most forcefully, so you can best feel your heart pumping on the left side of your chest’ (www.fi.edu). The pathway of blood through the human heart consists of a pulmonary circuit and a systemic circuit. Deoxygenated blood flows through the heart in one direction, entering through what is known as a superior vena cava and then into the right atrium which is then pumped through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle before being pumped out through the pulmonary valve to the pulmonary arteries into the lungs. It then returns from the lungs via the pulmonary veins to the left atrium where it is pumped through the mitral valve into the left ventricle before leaving through the aortic valve to the aorta. In conclusion this assignment has looked at the functions and structure of the circulatory system. It has also identified the diagram of the circulatory system.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Core Concepts of the Four Traditions of Geography

Core Concepts of the Four Traditions of Geography Geographer William D. Pattison introduced his four traditions of geography at the annual convention of the National Council for Geographic Education in 1963. With these precepts, Pattison sought to define the discipline by establishing a common vocabulary in the geographic community at large. His goal was to create a lexicon of basic geographical concepts so that the work of academics could be easily interpreted by laymen. The four traditions are the Spatial or Locational Tradition, the Area Studies or Regional Tradition, the Man-Land Tradition, and the Earth Science Tradition. Each of these traditions is interrelated, and they are often used in conjunction with one another, rather than alone. Spatial or Locational Tradition The core concept behind the Spatial Tradition of geography relates to the in-depth analysis of the particulars of a place- such as the distribution of one aspect over an area- using quantitative techniques and tools that might include such things as computerized mapping and geographic information systems, spatial analysis and patterns, aerial distribution, densities, movement, and transportation. The Locational Tradition attempts to explain the course of human settlements in terms of location, growth, and in relation to other locales. Area Studies or Regional Tradition Unlike the Spatial Tradition, the Area Studies Tradition determines as much as it is possible to glean about a particular place in order to define,  describe, and differentiate it from other regions or areas. World regional geography, along with international trends and relationships are at its center. Man-Land Tradition The focus of the Man-Land Tradition is the study of the relationship between human beings and the land they live on. Man-Land looks not only at the impact people impose on their local environment but conversely, at how natural hazards can influence human life. Along with addition population geography, the tradition also takes into account the ramifications that cultural and political practices have on the given area of study as well. Earth Science Tradition The Earth Science Tradition is the study of planet Earth as the home to humans and its systems. Along with the physical geography of the planet, focuses of study include such things as how the planets location in the solar system affects its seasons (this is also known as Earth-sun interaction) and how changes in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere impact human life on the planet. Offshoots of the Earth Science Tradition of geography are geology, mineralogy, paleontology, glaciology, geomorphology, and meteorology. What Did Pattison Leave Out? In response to the four traditions, in the mid-1970s, researcher J. Lewis Robinson noted that Pattisons model left out several important aspects of geography, such as the factor of time as it relates to historical geography and  cartography (mapmaking). Robinson wrote that by dividing geography into these categories- while admitting consistent themes do run through all four- Pattisons precepts lacked a unifying focus. Robinson did, however, concede that Pattison had done a good job of creating a framework for the discussion of the philosophical tenets of geography.   As a result, while its not the be all and end all, most geographic studies are likely to at least begin with Pattisons traditions. While not perfect, they have nonetheless become essential to the study of geography since first being adopted. Many of the more recent specialized areas of geographic study are, in essence, new and improved versions- reinvented and using better tools- of Pattisons original ideas.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Your Syndicated Newspaper Column †Proving Yourself to Editors

Your Syndicated Newspaper Column – Proving Yourself to Editors Imagine, seeing your Still reading? Good. If the obstacles don’t scare you, you’re on your way. Writing a column is your first step toward syndication. Finding publishing sources and composing your query are the next two. Newspaper editors are the key. You want your column printed in numerous papers, which requires finding numerous editors. You can purchase email lists for a price – often a hefty one. Since I’m trying to keep the cash flowing into my bank account, not out, I find addresses myself – one editor and one state at a time. Most states have a newspaper association website. Some include names of newspapers, editors and email addresses. If that’s the case, you’ll get your information there. It isn’t always this easy. Don’t fear. You can find your information elsewhere online. One website, Mondo Times, bills itself as the worldwide media directory and provides newspaper listings In your initial email, send a short letter describing the column. It’s important to communicate key elements within a few sentences: First paragraph: Pair your name with the name of your column. Include a one or two sentence writing

Monday, November 4, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 22

Case study - Essay Example This would be an observational study. Under observational study, there are other sub-types such as case control, cohort, and cross-sectional surveys. Case control is a design that uses two groups (the case and the control) to find out the answers to the research question, for example, in this study, the case are the transgender people (Bowers 75). The aim of the study may be to find out the difference in life experiences. The control would be the normal people. Answers will then be generated from comparing the two groups. Cohort studies involve observing certain characteristics of a specified population or issue over time, for example, determining the cause of a certain disease. Cross-sectional survey is where the researcher collects specific information about a certain group of people within a specific location. This is the best study design for determining the number of people who consider themselves transgender in the United States. A survey will collect information through individual responses. The survey will have a clearly stated aim and what is expected of the respondents. It will have a statement regarding respect for personal privacy. Information received will only be used for statistical purposes and not any other. In the survey, Americans will only be expected to respond to a question about their gender. From their responses, the number of transgender people can be determined (Bowers

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Evaluate how Napoleon both continued and broke from the aims of his Essay

Evaluate how Napoleon both continued and broke from the aims of his revolutionary predecessors - Essay Example Due to these successful statistics, Napoleon is regarded as one of the shrewdest and greatest military commanders that the world has ever seen and it is for this reason that his military campaigns are studied at different military academies worldwide. In 1799, Napoleon replaced the French directory with French Consulate and became the First Consul. He was 5 years later proclaimed as the emperor by the French Senate after a plebiscite in his favor. From 1900 to 1910, the French Empire was besieged with a number of conflicts known as the Napoleonic Wars which involved all the major European powers (Schom). After several victories, France had held an extremely powerful and dominant position in Europe. Napoleon maintained this French influence by forming extensive alliances and by appointing various many family members and friends to rule over different European states as French client states. The turning point of napoleon’s fame and success was the war of Peninsula and the 1812 i nvasion of Russia by the French armies. Despite major success in these wars, napoleon army was badly injured in these invasions ad was unable to fully recover from the blows from the war. This marked the downfall of Napoleon’s success. ... The next six years of Napoleon lives were spent in British confinement on the island of Saint Helena. It was concluded on the basis of an autopsy that Hitler died of stomach cancer despite major debates around the cause of his death, for some scholars firmly believe that Napoleon was poisoned by arsenic. When looking to answer the question of how Napoleon was different from his predecessors, the major difference is the Civil Code that was invented by Napoleon. Ever since the prevalence of in France, there has never been a single body of standard regulating the country. This was a cause of many problems in various parts of the country and created rather unjust and unfair legal situations especially where the poor were concerned. The Napoleonic Code based mostly on the Roman Law, Justinian’s Code. The code basically separated Civil Law into three different categories; the personal category, the status category and the property and the acquisition of property category. These thre e were also the main morals of the entire French Revolution. French revolutionaries wanted the entire country to be standing on equal footing regardless of anyone’s monetary status. It was the Napoleonic Code that ensured that everyone had a chance to earn themselves money and a status. Every country in Europe other than Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, Russia and Sweden have based parts of their laws on one or another aspect of the Napoleonic Code (The Napoleonic Code). The Code is still used to date in several former French colonies like Louisiana and Quebec. The Napoleonic Code was perhaps the greatest civil achievement of Napoleon’s. This code was the embodiment of the entire French revolution. It was Napoleon’s code that was responsible for

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Written communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Written communication - Assignment Example gement and worker protection, and employee labor relations, it is my belief that the most important one that I will use in my future career is that of talent management and development. As we studied, an organization or firm is only as successful as the people who work there. In this way, realizing that the appreciation for and development of this talent is the biggest determining factor for whether a firm or organization will succeed or not helps me to place this category as the single most important in terms of HR management. The organization is ultimately made up of people that must be professional, talented, and useful towards achieving the goals that are set before it. In this way, attempting to develop these skills and applying talent management and development skills to the workplace is a way in which the entire human resources management process can itself be made easier. Oftentimes this is misunderstood due to the fact that people think that talent management and development only relates to trying to hire talented people. Yet, the fact of the matter is that hiring talented people is only the first step. If one takes over human resources management from another person, they will be required to not only hire new people from time to time, but most importantly to work with existing employees (Younger 2007). In this way, the most important job that the human resources manager has is working with current employees and helping them to target key areas of development and improve themselves. This level of improvement is what is understood as a win-win situation for both the employer and the employee. This is due to the fact that when the employer spends the resources necessary to train or develop an existing employee, they get the benefit of having a more skilled employee within the firm without the need to hire someone else to perform the same job or function that they have trained the existing employee for. This is one of the most profound ways that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gathering Blue Essay Example for Free

Gathering Blue Essay Kira was born into a world ruled by the Council of Guardians, which spared her life when she was but an infant and her mother and her mother’s father—who was the chief guardian—pleaded with them to spare her life instead. Now that her mother has died, her father eaten by beasts before she was born, and her possessions taken to an aggressive woman named Vandara, Kira wonders about her future and her life now, being alone. However, because of her special, magical talent in artwork and needlecraft, Jamison of the Council of Guardians looks at her with favor, offering her a special place and task of keeping and designing the Singer’s robe. On the other hand, her young friend, Thomas, whose parents have also departed, and who has a special talent in woodwork, would take care of keeping the Singer’s staff. An old woman, Annabella, helps and teaches Kira in the art of dyeing. However, Annabella dies right after Kira hears beasts in the forest, and Kira and Matt suspect that maybe their parents died under the direction of the Council of Guardians, especially after Matt hears a frightened girl named Jo crying from the Edifice of the Guardians. By the time of the Gathering, Thomas follows Kira to her room where the former has prepared a special gift to her—her father whom she thought was already deceased; yet her father narrates that he was blinded right after Jamison, his political rival, struck him from behind and then left him for dead. Kira leaves the village to start a new life with her father. Theme: At first it appears that people who are born with a defect or an illness can never help the society, but the opposite appears to be true: children of imperfection can also possess special talents that make them unique and valuable to the society. Personal Response: Writer Lois Lowry is a magnificent writer I understood perfectly how it is to be despised in a community where defects and imperfection are enough reasons to be neglected and left to die. I enjoyed reading the vivid scenes, but the part I enjoyed most is when Kira meets her father, who appeared to be a blind man struck by Jamison, whom I did not suspect would be anything but good. Lois Lowry has a talent in bringing suspense to the fullest, making the reader jump in anticipation to another scene that would be anything except boring. It made me think that culture and traditions have a way of ruling people especially children. Instead of helping people out, certain old traditions are taking their life out. Extension Ideas: What do you think are the talents that you possess? Express it with the use of art. Do you have certain talents that, you believe, should be honored and harnessed? Make a list of them and then classify them if they are under the weak, medium, or strong categories. Kira tried her best to fight for her life and her rights. What do you think would you have done if you were put on Kira’s shoes? At the end of the story, Jamison is left in his world, while Kira and her father leaves and searches for a new and better world. What would you do to Jamison if you were one of the members of the Council of Guardians? Explain in the form of a narrati

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nestle Fruit Yogurt Company

Nestle Fruit Yogurt Company Abstract Nestle Fruit Yogurt is one of the famous product launched by Nestle all over the world. Most of the countries where Nestle has launched it, have accepted the product very well. This shows that product has potential and if marketed properly can do wonder by enhancing Financial statement profits for Nestle. Here we are making an analysis of UAE as Nestlà ©s future destination of launching Fruit Yogurt. In this study we are seeking financial, marketing and Resource planning of Nestlà ©s launching campaign in very first year. This analysis can help Nestle in making deciding whether to launch the product in Emirates and how to launch the product. Executive Summary A marketing plan usually provides a sound framework for development of marketing strategy for any product. There is a list of action items inclusive of objective, sales budget requirement, resource requirement etc. Its very relevant part of the total business plan. In our first submission, we had talked at length regarding cultural and economic analysis related to market and features of offered product. This project submission will be taking us forward from where we had left in the last assignment. Here, We will take closer look at the nuances of running a good business like understanding target market, designing suitable promotion strategy, having total overview of distribution marketing and production processes. The last part has explained in detail about the benefits of the Nestle Fruit Yogurt. It has also explained how it is suitable for UAE climate and how its launch in United Arab Emirates will make a new trend of having healthy snacks and lunch. We, in last part, also analyzed that the market condition of UAE and preference and desires of Emirates. Now, in this study, we are going to study how to market the product how will it work in the UAE.   We are going to analyze fully what will attract Emirates to our product. Traditional approach to look at any product that is based on marketing involves the understanding of: Financial data. Product data Sales and distribution data Advertising and sales promotion data We are going to approach this study in this traditional approach to make a detailed Market launch analysis of the product. (Yogurt) Marketing Plan Introduction Marketing Plan will analyze how to strategize the launch of Nestle fruit Yogurt in UAE. It will check out the advertisement, Promotion and Packaging plans for this new product. The detailed will work as the initial plan for the launch of the product in UAE and it will be subjected to change gradually as the sale will follow the expectation or will deviate from its initial plan. Marketing Objective Target Market Since Nestlà ©s fruit Yogurt will be totally new product in UAE and therefore is not well known. In our last submission, we had highlighted about specifically targeting the age group of 15-35.This was basically based on the consumption trend of this group. Expected Sales Sales objectives define the projected quantity of goods that can be sold. Hence it is very relevant for the success of businesses that realistic and achievable objectives should be set. We are expecting the total sale of 650 tonnages of Nestle fruit Yogurt in United Arab Emirates. Our expectation is very optimistic as it is nearly 60% of the total present market. Profit Expectation As we are planning to have 650 tonnages of sale in UAE, therefore we are expecting Nestle to have at least profit of 9% around on the product which comes in the range of 0.09 percent*650 tonnages *9463 AED per tonnage ~ 553,385 AED which is really decent as we can see that this is just a launch year. Promotion Mix Advertising Objective Main objective of advertisement is that it will be to drawing attention of the health conscious customers towards Nestle fruit Yogurt. Since the Nestle Fruit Yogurt belongs to premium segment where more stress will be provided to attract urban area customers who are willing to use something new. Actually if we start trying segmenting of the people of UAE, we can segregate UAE people into two major categories. One who usually prefers to have new products present in the market and these people are usually called experimenters. Other kind of category which tries to retain their own age-old family used brand which usually bar them from taking any new product. Seeing this, we need to make its Nestlà ©s image to look as fashionable and premium class. To make this image, we can try using some Hollywood star who can endorse our product and which is youth icon famous among Emirates.   Media Mix We are planning to use the media mix in such a way to approach every single people in Emirates to make them aware of this new product coming in the market. Since ours will be the first company launching this product on such a large scale in UAE therefore it can become a tough task to inform to educate consumers about health benefits and differentiation of our product from the entire existing product in the Emirate market. Hence we need to use below given promotion media mix: Kiosks Advertisement in magazines, television and newspapers. TV program. Banners Billboards. The way we are planning to make this promotion is to have it in various phases. Actually, In first phase, we are planning to have awareness program. Then in next phase we are planning to market the real product among the Emirates through use of hoarding, kiosks, banners and all the other media methods. Message Nestle Fruit Yogurt should be aiming to recognized as a healthy food product company. This company wants to be known as a firm which usually provides high quality health products. Idea will be to convey its young and premium image to the consumers. Message should be something similar to â€Å"Taste with Health!!!.. Try me!!†. Cost Advertisement TV Advertisement 40000 Newspaper Advertisement 20000 Kiosk Advertisement 10000 Magazine Advertisement 20000 Banners 10000 BillBoards 10000 Promotion 10000 Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 Sales Promotion Objective The objective of sales promotion is usually to attract more and more consumer in the very first year. This will be done by the help of affordable micro packaging of size small as 100g. This will be the smallest container that should be available among the customer because tinier than this package can affect the brand image of Nestle which is the last thing Nestle company want to do. Premiums Premium is used in a way in order to associate our product with real use product needed by segment we are planning to target. Since here for Nestle fruit yogurt we are targeting premium segments youth who are really conscious about their health we can offer them some diet free sugar product. Coupon Other kind of consumer attraction tactics that usually comes when some new product is launched is the Coupon Tactics. Here with Nestle fruit yogurt we can plan to give some consumers who are winning lucky draw, a free gym coupon to some posh area gym. Cost Cost allotted with promotional strategy will be less only as company will be targeting more of awareness and less of sales. Therefore company will be stressing more on advertisement and less of promotion which appears from the budget itself which allots $10000 only for promotion activities. Personal Selling In the initial stage company is not planning to sell its product the personal selling as this will reduce the companys brand image which is really good considering the international brand image of Nestle. Other Promotional Method Promotional strategy which Nestle is planning is already mentioned. As of now, Nestle fruit Yogurt product will not be experimented using some strange and innovative promotional technique. May be it can work Nestle will not be taking risk in UAE market. Distribution from Origin to Destination Mode of Distribution Nestle like all of its dairy product will prefer roadways mode of transportation. It will distribute its product to the wholesalers and retailers through Nestle Van which will have freezing facility available with it. Products are of lesser expiry date therefore it will be preferable for Nestle to have its own distribution system to avoid delayed delivery. Packaging Marking and Labeling Regulations Usually, on any package, many kinds of labels are used. Many may include product certifications and trademarks and the food authority approvals. In order to utilize full use of packaging, it is suggestible to publicize the health benefits related with Nestle fruit Yogurt through labeling. Containerization To avoid piracy and ease operational requirement company should always use bar codes, identification and RFID numbers. This should be done for trouble-free shipment tracking of the goods. Another related important aspect which needs to be considered is the container standards. It should be of international standard. Costs Packaging use a significant portion of total cost related with a product. For example, in Dairy Product industry, packaging cost may be as high as 30% of total cost. Whatever be the case company should try to reduce this cost as much as possible. Following international standard of hygiene and maintain a premium quality forces price to increase to go beyond the limits. Therefore company should try to use some beneficial strategy to reduce the packaging cost to be as low as 10% of the product in long term. Price Determination Transportation Cost It will be there as always but usually depends who is going to bear this charge company, wholesaler or retailer. Here it will be borne totally by wholesaler only. Wholesaler will need something in order to take this cost and keep making profit. Therefore company is giving hefty commission to the wholesalers @ 13.5 %. Handling Expenses Handling expense for making the product to reach on board to fulfill the requirement of FOB will be borne by company itself. This cost will be included in other miscellaneous cost. Whole and Retail Mark Up and Discounts Product Cost Percentage of Cost Fruit Yogurt Cost(650 ton) $   1,100,000.00 72.7% Packaging Cost $ 110,000.00 7.3% Selling Expense $ 85,000.00 5.6% Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 7.9% Distribution Expense $ 93,000.00 6.1% Misc Expense $ 5,000.00 0.3% $   1,513,000.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $   1,644,631.00 Final Price AED price Product Cost $ 1,513,000.00 AED 5,555,736.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $ 1,644,631.00 AED 6,039,085.03 Selling Quantity we are targeting (Ton) 650 Company Price Selling price per ton $ 2,530.20 AED   9,290.90 Selling price per Kg $2.53 AED 9.29 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.63 AED 2.32 Selling Price per 100g pack $ 0.025 AED 0.09 Wholesale Price (@13.5% WS Commission) Selling price per Kg $2.87 AED 10.55 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.72 AED 2.64 Selling Price per 100g pack $0.03 AED 0.11 Retail Price (@13% Retail Commission) Selling price per Kg $3.25 AED 11.92 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.81 AED 2.98 Selling Price per 100g pack $0.03 AED 0.12 (Statistics, 2003) Pro-formal financial Statement and Budget Introduction In this plan we are going to study detailed financials about the Nestle Yogurt Product. The product financial will include product costing and product pricing for the UAE market. Most of the pricing we are doing in $ terms and at last we are converting them in AED terms. Marketing Budget Advertisement/Promotion Expense Advertisement TV Advertisement $40,000.00 AED 146,880.00 Newspaper Advertisement $20,000.00 AED   73,440.00 Kiosk Advertisement $10,000.00 AED   36,720.00 Magazine Advertisement $20,000.00 AED   73,440.00 Banners $10,000.00 AED   36,720.00 BillBoards $10,000.00 AED   36,720.00 Promotion $10,000.00 AED   36,720.00 Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 AED 440,640.00 Distribution Expense Distribution Cost Store Payroll $ 20,000.00 AED 73,440.00 Store Management $ 10,000.00 AED 36,720.00 Rent $ 10,000.00 AED 36,720.00 Utilities $ 10,000.00 AED 36,720.00 Depreciation $ 10,000.00 AED 36,720.00 Repair $ 20,000.00 AED 73,440.00 Maintenance $ 13,000.00 AED 47,736.00 Total Distribution Expense $ 93,000.00 AED 341,496.00 Product Cost Processing Milk to Yogurt cost Raw product Milk(600 ton) $800,000.00 Processing Variable Cost Sugar Stabilizers Fruit /Flavors Bacteria Culture Fuel Total $200,000.00 Processing Fixed Cost $100,000.00 Final Yogurt product(620 ton) $    1,100,000.00 Product Cost Percentage of Cost Fruit Yogurt Cost(650 ton) $   1,100,000.00 72.7% Packaging Cost $ 110,000.00 7.3% Selling Expense $ 85,000.00 5.6% Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 7.9% Distribution Expense $ 93,000.00 6.1% Misc Expense $ 5,000.00 0.3% $   1,513,000.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $   1,644,631.00 Final Price AED price Product Cost $ 1,513,000.00 AED 5,555,736.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $ 1,644,631.00 AED 6,039,085.03 Selling Quantity we are targeting (Ton) 650 Company Price Selling price per ton $ 2,530.20 AED   9,290.90 Selling price per Kg $2.53 AED 9.29 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.63 AED 2.32 Selling Price per 100g pack $ 0.025 AED 0.09 Wholesale Price (@13.5% WS Commission) Selling price per Kg $2.87 AED 10.55 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.72 AED 2.64 Selling Price per 100g pack $0.03 AED 0.11 Retail Price (@13% Retail Commission) Selling price per Kg $3.25 AED 11.92 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.81 AED 2.98 Selling Price per 100g pack $0.03 AED 0.12 Other Cost Misc Expense $ 4,000.00 Pro forma annual profit and loss statement (Profit year) Profit And Loss Statement AED Income Revenue $   1,644,631.00 AED 6,039,085 Expense Cost of Goods Sold 800,000.00 AED 2,937,600 Processing Variable Expense 200,000.00 AED 734,400 Processing Fixed expense 100,000.00 AED 367,200 Packaging Cost $ 110,000.00 AED 403,920 Selling Expense $  85,000.00 AED 312,120 Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 AED 440,640 Distribution Expense $  93,000.00 AED 341,496 Misc Expense $   5,000.00 AED   18,360 Total Expense 1,513,000.00 AED 5,555,736 EBIT $ 131,631.00 AED 483,349 Interest $  55,000.00 AED 201,960 EBT $  76,631.00 AED 281,389 Tax @ 20% $  15,326.20 AED   56,278 Net Income $  61,304.80 AED 225,111 (Ng, 2007) Resource Requirements Introduction Whatever is the marketing plan, until and unless you are not getting your Resource requirement fulfilled, you cannot start a business. This section, we will study about the way the company will be able to get its resources right. Finances Usually Company gets its finances from either debt or equity or through some stake acquisition by some other firm. It will be totally dependent on cost of capital of raising money from the market and cost of debt of raising money from debt. We are assuming to have overall cost of capital as 5%. The launching project will include total requirement of 1.1 million out of which company can plan to have 6 million as debt and 5 million as equity. Personnel Any firm while expanding or launching a new product will require some Personnel. The company should be ready with kind of skills portfolio which company will need for its operation. There can be many skills portfolios which company can look into while planning for the launch of new product like: HR personnel Marketing Personnel Finance Personnel Operation Personnel Sales Personnel Labors Machine specialists Distributor personnel Depending on the scale which we are launching, Companys requirement will be decided. For the 650 tonnages of requirement company will need as per follows: Marketing 60 Sales 600 Operations (including distribution and packaging) 1200 Finance 10 Human Resource 40 Information Technology 5 Production Capacity Production capacity should be planned as per companys aim of expanding in future. As per seeing Nestlà ©s trend of expansion plan in other countries, we can assume following as companys capacity requirement in future. First year 650 tonnages Second Year 900 tonnages Third Year 1050 tonnages Fourth Year 1200 tonnages Fifth Year 1400 tonnages Nestle should have production capacity accordingly. Conclusion As we can see from the analysis, we can conclude that the launch of Nestle Fruit Yogurt in United Arab Emirates will be a sure success. Estimated Income statement of very first year is showing Net Income of

Friday, October 25, 2019

Benjamin H. Latrobe :: essays research papers fc

Benjamin H. Latrobe was born in 1764 in Fulneck, England. He was raised in England. As a young man Latrobe was taught at the Morvian school in Fulneck. This was where Latrobe received a base for his further education. After Morvian, he transferred to Nieski school in Germany. There he received an impressive education. Which was composed of a broad curriculum. He was taught in all the liberal arts and also classical and modern languages. Latrobe started his career training under England's most renowned engineer of the day John Smeaton. Under Smeatons teachings Latrobe gained a strong grasp of technical and theoretical English civil engineering and meticulous draughtsmanship (Carter 1981, 1-2). Latrobe's interests in engineering soon led him to develop an interest in architecture. Latrobe decided to pursue his interest in architecture. He decided to work with S.R. Cockrell and become his apprentice. While Latrobe worked along with Cockrell he gained further experience and rapid advance ment in architecture. Latrobe did many side jobs designing public works where he also gained experience and individuality. During Latrobe's partnership with Cockrell he also met other renowned architects of the time. Two of which were Gorge Dance and John Soane. Both of these architects were very influential to Latrobes own work. In fact, all three architects were very influential. They all helped mold and create Latrobe's architectural style. During this advancing time period in architecture there were mainly three distinct styles of architecture. The first style was Old school. This style was strict Palladianism which was inspired by Palladio himself. The second school was Roman in origin and had a lot of functional space and had a lot of decorative detail. Latrobe found both these styles to be over rich and also to elaborate in detail. Latrobe found the Third school to be the most attractive. This style was sometimes called the "Plain Style," which was characterized by simplicity, geometric power and rationalism. With all these great teachers and mentors. Latrobe was able to develop his own style which would start a new form of architecture and create the Greek revival (Carter 1981, 12). 	Latrobe decided to move to the United States. With him be brought his architectural gift and curiosity. He was very interested in the US and he studied its history, its legends, the dress and manners of its people, and of course its architecture. Geological formations, waterfalls, the courses of rivers, and the nature of the soil and terrain were all carefully observed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dialogue Between Couple

â€Å"How are you? † â€Å"Honestly? I feel like I’m dying. † â€Å"That’s never good. † â€Å"Tell me about it. † â€Å"I doubt I could if I tried. † â€Å"Do you think that—? † â€Å"Hold up! You have an ant on your cheek. † â€Å"Get it off! † â€Å"Alright, alright, relax! † â€Å"I can’t believe I didn’t feel it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Shit! † â€Å"What? † â€Å"I killed it. † â€Å"Kain! † â€Å"Sorry! † â€Å"It only wanted to be on my cheek! † â€Å"Why would it want to be there? I probably put it out of its misery. † â€Å"That’s not funny! It liked me because I smell good. † â€Å"Apparently died because you smell good. † â€Å"So I do smell good, then? † â€Å"Just be quiet and watch the sunset. † â€Å"I’m tired of sunsets.I want to see a sun rise; they seem more rare, and happy. † â€Å"That’s ridiculous. Sun rises happen as much as sunsets. † â€Å"Yeah, but less people stay up to watch them. I think I might stay up all night to see tomorrow’s. Do you want to? † â€Å"Not really. I have to leave in ten minutes. † â€Å"Have you ever watched the sun rise? Not just been awake, but intentionally watched the sun rise? † â€Å"Just once. † â€Å"Why. † â€Å"I wanted to get my mind off of something. † â€Å"What? † â€Å"Nothing. Why are you so talkative all of a sudden? † â€Å"I was just thinking about the ant. I don’t want to die an ant. † â€Å"You’re not dying anytime soon. † You never know when you’ll crawl onto the wrong cheek. † â€Å"Hmmm. † â€Å"It is pretty, though, the sunset. The way the crimson bounces off the clouds. † â€Å"Yeah. † â€Å"I wish it lasted longer. † â€Å"If it did I don’t think I’d be as pretty. † â€Å"I suppose you’re right. † â€Å"Look, I have to go, or I’ll be late. † â€Å"Do you really have to leave? † â€Å"Yeah, I’m sorry. Happy birthday, Mia. I hope you feel better. † â€Å"Thanks, me too. See you later. † â€Å"See you. † â€Å"Umm, are you going, or are just going to stand there? † â€Å"It was you. † â€Å"Excuse me? † â€Å"My first sun rise. I was worried about you. † â€Å"Could you– could you stay? Please? † â€Å"I don’t think I was leaving. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Death Penalty Debate essays

Death Penalty Debate essays In biblical times, people abided by Gods law, known as The Ten Commandments. Today society is based on certain rules and laws that everyone must follow to keep our society running smoothly. Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is a punishment enforced on those who have committed serious crimes, for example murder. The death penalty is one of the most debated issues in todays society. Supporters of the death penalty agree that it decreases the rate of crime and population in prisons, and victims of a crime no longer fear that the killer will kill again. Supporters agree that the rate of crime is decreased by enforcing the death penalty on those committing serious crimes. By enforcing capital punishment, supports say that it deters others from committing serious crimes, such as murder. A person who premeditates a murder may think twice about the consequences of his/her actions if caught. In his article The Death Penalty on Trial Alter states the difficulty imagining a criminal thinking that since I might get the death penalty for this crime, I wont do it; but if only life in prison, Id go ahead (488). This proves that there is no prove that the death penalty will keep people from murdering or committing terrible crimes, but supporters still agree that the death penalty should be enforced. Executing a person does cost more than sentencing that person to life without parole. Even though execution costs more money, it reduces the prison population. Assume that everyone who was convicted of murder was sentenced to life without parole. That would cause population in prisons to overflow, meaning either prisoners would be released or more prisons would have to be built. Alter states in his article that unless executions are dramatically speeded up, the death penalty will remain far more expensive than life without parole (489). ...