Thursday, October 31, 2019

Written communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Written communication - Assignment Example gement and worker protection, and employee labor relations, it is my belief that the most important one that I will use in my future career is that of talent management and development. As we studied, an organization or firm is only as successful as the people who work there. In this way, realizing that the appreciation for and development of this talent is the biggest determining factor for whether a firm or organization will succeed or not helps me to place this category as the single most important in terms of HR management. The organization is ultimately made up of people that must be professional, talented, and useful towards achieving the goals that are set before it. In this way, attempting to develop these skills and applying talent management and development skills to the workplace is a way in which the entire human resources management process can itself be made easier. Oftentimes this is misunderstood due to the fact that people think that talent management and development only relates to trying to hire talented people. Yet, the fact of the matter is that hiring talented people is only the first step. If one takes over human resources management from another person, they will be required to not only hire new people from time to time, but most importantly to work with existing employees (Younger 2007). In this way, the most important job that the human resources manager has is working with current employees and helping them to target key areas of development and improve themselves. This level of improvement is what is understood as a win-win situation for both the employer and the employee. This is due to the fact that when the employer spends the resources necessary to train or develop an existing employee, they get the benefit of having a more skilled employee within the firm without the need to hire someone else to perform the same job or function that they have trained the existing employee for. This is one of the most profound ways that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gathering Blue Essay Example for Free

Gathering Blue Essay Kira was born into a world ruled by the Council of Guardians, which spared her life when she was but an infant and her mother and her mother’s father—who was the chief guardian—pleaded with them to spare her life instead. Now that her mother has died, her father eaten by beasts before she was born, and her possessions taken to an aggressive woman named Vandara, Kira wonders about her future and her life now, being alone. However, because of her special, magical talent in artwork and needlecraft, Jamison of the Council of Guardians looks at her with favor, offering her a special place and task of keeping and designing the Singer’s robe. On the other hand, her young friend, Thomas, whose parents have also departed, and who has a special talent in woodwork, would take care of keeping the Singer’s staff. An old woman, Annabella, helps and teaches Kira in the art of dyeing. However, Annabella dies right after Kira hears beasts in the forest, and Kira and Matt suspect that maybe their parents died under the direction of the Council of Guardians, especially after Matt hears a frightened girl named Jo crying from the Edifice of the Guardians. By the time of the Gathering, Thomas follows Kira to her room where the former has prepared a special gift to her—her father whom she thought was already deceased; yet her father narrates that he was blinded right after Jamison, his political rival, struck him from behind and then left him for dead. Kira leaves the village to start a new life with her father. Theme: At first it appears that people who are born with a defect or an illness can never help the society, but the opposite appears to be true: children of imperfection can also possess special talents that make them unique and valuable to the society. Personal Response: Writer Lois Lowry is a magnificent writer I understood perfectly how it is to be despised in a community where defects and imperfection are enough reasons to be neglected and left to die. I enjoyed reading the vivid scenes, but the part I enjoyed most is when Kira meets her father, who appeared to be a blind man struck by Jamison, whom I did not suspect would be anything but good. Lois Lowry has a talent in bringing suspense to the fullest, making the reader jump in anticipation to another scene that would be anything except boring. It made me think that culture and traditions have a way of ruling people especially children. Instead of helping people out, certain old traditions are taking their life out. Extension Ideas: What do you think are the talents that you possess? Express it with the use of art. Do you have certain talents that, you believe, should be honored and harnessed? Make a list of them and then classify them if they are under the weak, medium, or strong categories. Kira tried her best to fight for her life and her rights. What do you think would you have done if you were put on Kira’s shoes? At the end of the story, Jamison is left in his world, while Kira and her father leaves and searches for a new and better world. What would you do to Jamison if you were one of the members of the Council of Guardians? Explain in the form of a narrati

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nestle Fruit Yogurt Company

Nestle Fruit Yogurt Company Abstract Nestle Fruit Yogurt is one of the famous product launched by Nestle all over the world. Most of the countries where Nestle has launched it, have accepted the product very well. This shows that product has potential and if marketed properly can do wonder by enhancing Financial statement profits for Nestle. Here we are making an analysis of UAE as Nestlà ©s future destination of launching Fruit Yogurt. In this study we are seeking financial, marketing and Resource planning of Nestlà ©s launching campaign in very first year. This analysis can help Nestle in making deciding whether to launch the product in Emirates and how to launch the product. Executive Summary A marketing plan usually provides a sound framework for development of marketing strategy for any product. There is a list of action items inclusive of objective, sales budget requirement, resource requirement etc. Its very relevant part of the total business plan. In our first submission, we had talked at length regarding cultural and economic analysis related to market and features of offered product. This project submission will be taking us forward from where we had left in the last assignment. Here, We will take closer look at the nuances of running a good business like understanding target market, designing suitable promotion strategy, having total overview of distribution marketing and production processes. The last part has explained in detail about the benefits of the Nestle Fruit Yogurt. It has also explained how it is suitable for UAE climate and how its launch in United Arab Emirates will make a new trend of having healthy snacks and lunch. We, in last part, also analyzed that the market condition of UAE and preference and desires of Emirates. Now, in this study, we are going to study how to market the product how will it work in the UAE.   We are going to analyze fully what will attract Emirates to our product. Traditional approach to look at any product that is based on marketing involves the understanding of: Financial data. Product data Sales and distribution data Advertising and sales promotion data We are going to approach this study in this traditional approach to make a detailed Market launch analysis of the product. (Yogurt) Marketing Plan Introduction Marketing Plan will analyze how to strategize the launch of Nestle fruit Yogurt in UAE. It will check out the advertisement, Promotion and Packaging plans for this new product. The detailed will work as the initial plan for the launch of the product in UAE and it will be subjected to change gradually as the sale will follow the expectation or will deviate from its initial plan. Marketing Objective Target Market Since Nestlà ©s fruit Yogurt will be totally new product in UAE and therefore is not well known. In our last submission, we had highlighted about specifically targeting the age group of 15-35.This was basically based on the consumption trend of this group. Expected Sales Sales objectives define the projected quantity of goods that can be sold. Hence it is very relevant for the success of businesses that realistic and achievable objectives should be set. We are expecting the total sale of 650 tonnages of Nestle fruit Yogurt in United Arab Emirates. Our expectation is very optimistic as it is nearly 60% of the total present market. Profit Expectation As we are planning to have 650 tonnages of sale in UAE, therefore we are expecting Nestle to have at least profit of 9% around on the product which comes in the range of 0.09 percent*650 tonnages *9463 AED per tonnage ~ 553,385 AED which is really decent as we can see that this is just a launch year. Promotion Mix Advertising Objective Main objective of advertisement is that it will be to drawing attention of the health conscious customers towards Nestle fruit Yogurt. Since the Nestle Fruit Yogurt belongs to premium segment where more stress will be provided to attract urban area customers who are willing to use something new. Actually if we start trying segmenting of the people of UAE, we can segregate UAE people into two major categories. One who usually prefers to have new products present in the market and these people are usually called experimenters. Other kind of category which tries to retain their own age-old family used brand which usually bar them from taking any new product. Seeing this, we need to make its Nestlà ©s image to look as fashionable and premium class. To make this image, we can try using some Hollywood star who can endorse our product and which is youth icon famous among Emirates.   Media Mix We are planning to use the media mix in such a way to approach every single people in Emirates to make them aware of this new product coming in the market. Since ours will be the first company launching this product on such a large scale in UAE therefore it can become a tough task to inform to educate consumers about health benefits and differentiation of our product from the entire existing product in the Emirate market. Hence we need to use below given promotion media mix: Kiosks Advertisement in magazines, television and newspapers. TV program. Banners Billboards. The way we are planning to make this promotion is to have it in various phases. Actually, In first phase, we are planning to have awareness program. Then in next phase we are planning to market the real product among the Emirates through use of hoarding, kiosks, banners and all the other media methods. Message Nestle Fruit Yogurt should be aiming to recognized as a healthy food product company. This company wants to be known as a firm which usually provides high quality health products. Idea will be to convey its young and premium image to the consumers. Message should be something similar to â€Å"Taste with Health!!!.. Try me!!†. Cost Advertisement TV Advertisement 40000 Newspaper Advertisement 20000 Kiosk Advertisement 10000 Magazine Advertisement 20000 Banners 10000 BillBoards 10000 Promotion 10000 Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 Sales Promotion Objective The objective of sales promotion is usually to attract more and more consumer in the very first year. This will be done by the help of affordable micro packaging of size small as 100g. This will be the smallest container that should be available among the customer because tinier than this package can affect the brand image of Nestle which is the last thing Nestle company want to do. Premiums Premium is used in a way in order to associate our product with real use product needed by segment we are planning to target. Since here for Nestle fruit yogurt we are targeting premium segments youth who are really conscious about their health we can offer them some diet free sugar product. Coupon Other kind of consumer attraction tactics that usually comes when some new product is launched is the Coupon Tactics. Here with Nestle fruit yogurt we can plan to give some consumers who are winning lucky draw, a free gym coupon to some posh area gym. Cost Cost allotted with promotional strategy will be less only as company will be targeting more of awareness and less of sales. Therefore company will be stressing more on advertisement and less of promotion which appears from the budget itself which allots $10000 only for promotion activities. Personal Selling In the initial stage company is not planning to sell its product the personal selling as this will reduce the companys brand image which is really good considering the international brand image of Nestle. Other Promotional Method Promotional strategy which Nestle is planning is already mentioned. As of now, Nestle fruit Yogurt product will not be experimented using some strange and innovative promotional technique. May be it can work Nestle will not be taking risk in UAE market. Distribution from Origin to Destination Mode of Distribution Nestle like all of its dairy product will prefer roadways mode of transportation. It will distribute its product to the wholesalers and retailers through Nestle Van which will have freezing facility available with it. Products are of lesser expiry date therefore it will be preferable for Nestle to have its own distribution system to avoid delayed delivery. Packaging Marking and Labeling Regulations Usually, on any package, many kinds of labels are used. Many may include product certifications and trademarks and the food authority approvals. In order to utilize full use of packaging, it is suggestible to publicize the health benefits related with Nestle fruit Yogurt through labeling. Containerization To avoid piracy and ease operational requirement company should always use bar codes, identification and RFID numbers. This should be done for trouble-free shipment tracking of the goods. Another related important aspect which needs to be considered is the container standards. It should be of international standard. Costs Packaging use a significant portion of total cost related with a product. For example, in Dairy Product industry, packaging cost may be as high as 30% of total cost. Whatever be the case company should try to reduce this cost as much as possible. Following international standard of hygiene and maintain a premium quality forces price to increase to go beyond the limits. Therefore company should try to use some beneficial strategy to reduce the packaging cost to be as low as 10% of the product in long term. Price Determination Transportation Cost It will be there as always but usually depends who is going to bear this charge company, wholesaler or retailer. Here it will be borne totally by wholesaler only. Wholesaler will need something in order to take this cost and keep making profit. Therefore company is giving hefty commission to the wholesalers @ 13.5 %. Handling Expenses Handling expense for making the product to reach on board to fulfill the requirement of FOB will be borne by company itself. This cost will be included in other miscellaneous cost. Whole and Retail Mark Up and Discounts Product Cost Percentage of Cost Fruit Yogurt Cost(650 ton) $   1,100,000.00 72.7% Packaging Cost $ 110,000.00 7.3% Selling Expense $ 85,000.00 5.6% Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 7.9% Distribution Expense $ 93,000.00 6.1% Misc Expense $ 5,000.00 0.3% $   1,513,000.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $   1,644,631.00 Final Price AED price Product Cost $ 1,513,000.00 AED 5,555,736.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $ 1,644,631.00 AED 6,039,085.03 Selling Quantity we are targeting (Ton) 650 Company Price Selling price per ton $ 2,530.20 AED   9,290.90 Selling price per Kg $2.53 AED 9.29 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.63 AED 2.32 Selling Price per 100g pack $ 0.025 AED 0.09 Wholesale Price (@13.5% WS Commission) Selling price per Kg $2.87 AED 10.55 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.72 AED 2.64 Selling Price per 100g pack $0.03 AED 0.11 Retail Price (@13% Retail Commission) Selling price per Kg $3.25 AED 11.92 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.81 AED 2.98 Selling Price per 100g pack $0.03 AED 0.12 (Statistics, 2003) Pro-formal financial Statement and Budget Introduction In this plan we are going to study detailed financials about the Nestle Yogurt Product. The product financial will include product costing and product pricing for the UAE market. Most of the pricing we are doing in $ terms and at last we are converting them in AED terms. Marketing Budget Advertisement/Promotion Expense Advertisement TV Advertisement $40,000.00 AED 146,880.00 Newspaper Advertisement $20,000.00 AED   73,440.00 Kiosk Advertisement $10,000.00 AED   36,720.00 Magazine Advertisement $20,000.00 AED   73,440.00 Banners $10,000.00 AED   36,720.00 BillBoards $10,000.00 AED   36,720.00 Promotion $10,000.00 AED   36,720.00 Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 AED 440,640.00 Distribution Expense Distribution Cost Store Payroll $ 20,000.00 AED 73,440.00 Store Management $ 10,000.00 AED 36,720.00 Rent $ 10,000.00 AED 36,720.00 Utilities $ 10,000.00 AED 36,720.00 Depreciation $ 10,000.00 AED 36,720.00 Repair $ 20,000.00 AED 73,440.00 Maintenance $ 13,000.00 AED 47,736.00 Total Distribution Expense $ 93,000.00 AED 341,496.00 Product Cost Processing Milk to Yogurt cost Raw product Milk(600 ton) $800,000.00 Processing Variable Cost Sugar Stabilizers Fruit /Flavors Bacteria Culture Fuel Total $200,000.00 Processing Fixed Cost $100,000.00 Final Yogurt product(620 ton) $    1,100,000.00 Product Cost Percentage of Cost Fruit Yogurt Cost(650 ton) $   1,100,000.00 72.7% Packaging Cost $ 110,000.00 7.3% Selling Expense $ 85,000.00 5.6% Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 7.9% Distribution Expense $ 93,000.00 6.1% Misc Expense $ 5,000.00 0.3% $   1,513,000.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $   1,644,631.00 Final Price AED price Product Cost $ 1,513,000.00 AED 5,555,736.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $ 1,644,631.00 AED 6,039,085.03 Selling Quantity we are targeting (Ton) 650 Company Price Selling price per ton $ 2,530.20 AED   9,290.90 Selling price per Kg $2.53 AED 9.29 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.63 AED 2.32 Selling Price per 100g pack $ 0.025 AED 0.09 Wholesale Price (@13.5% WS Commission) Selling price per Kg $2.87 AED 10.55 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.72 AED 2.64 Selling Price per 100g pack $0.03 AED 0.11 Retail Price (@13% Retail Commission) Selling price per Kg $3.25 AED 11.92 Selling price per 250g Pack $0.81 AED 2.98 Selling Price per 100g pack $0.03 AED 0.12 Other Cost Misc Expense $ 4,000.00 Pro forma annual profit and loss statement (Profit year) Profit And Loss Statement AED Income Revenue $   1,644,631.00 AED 6,039,085 Expense Cost of Goods Sold 800,000.00 AED 2,937,600 Processing Variable Expense 200,000.00 AED 734,400 Processing Fixed expense 100,000.00 AED 367,200 Packaging Cost $ 110,000.00 AED 403,920 Selling Expense $  85,000.00 AED 312,120 Advertising Expense $ 120,000.00 AED 440,640 Distribution Expense $  93,000.00 AED 341,496 Misc Expense $   5,000.00 AED   18,360 Total Expense 1,513,000.00 AED 5,555,736 EBIT $ 131,631.00 AED 483,349 Interest $  55,000.00 AED 201,960 EBT $  76,631.00 AED 281,389 Tax @ 20% $  15,326.20 AED   56,278 Net Income $  61,304.80 AED 225,111 (Ng, 2007) Resource Requirements Introduction Whatever is the marketing plan, until and unless you are not getting your Resource requirement fulfilled, you cannot start a business. This section, we will study about the way the company will be able to get its resources right. Finances Usually Company gets its finances from either debt or equity or through some stake acquisition by some other firm. It will be totally dependent on cost of capital of raising money from the market and cost of debt of raising money from debt. We are assuming to have overall cost of capital as 5%. The launching project will include total requirement of 1.1 million out of which company can plan to have 6 million as debt and 5 million as equity. Personnel Any firm while expanding or launching a new product will require some Personnel. The company should be ready with kind of skills portfolio which company will need for its operation. There can be many skills portfolios which company can look into while planning for the launch of new product like: HR personnel Marketing Personnel Finance Personnel Operation Personnel Sales Personnel Labors Machine specialists Distributor personnel Depending on the scale which we are launching, Companys requirement will be decided. For the 650 tonnages of requirement company will need as per follows: Marketing 60 Sales 600 Operations (including distribution and packaging) 1200 Finance 10 Human Resource 40 Information Technology 5 Production Capacity Production capacity should be planned as per companys aim of expanding in future. As per seeing Nestlà ©s trend of expansion plan in other countries, we can assume following as companys capacity requirement in future. First year 650 tonnages Second Year 900 tonnages Third Year 1050 tonnages Fourth Year 1200 tonnages Fifth Year 1400 tonnages Nestle should have production capacity accordingly. Conclusion As we can see from the analysis, we can conclude that the launch of Nestle Fruit Yogurt in United Arab Emirates will be a sure success. Estimated Income statement of very first year is showing Net Income of

Friday, October 25, 2019

Benjamin H. Latrobe :: essays research papers fc

Benjamin H. Latrobe was born in 1764 in Fulneck, England. He was raised in England. As a young man Latrobe was taught at the Morvian school in Fulneck. This was where Latrobe received a base for his further education. After Morvian, he transferred to Nieski school in Germany. There he received an impressive education. Which was composed of a broad curriculum. He was taught in all the liberal arts and also classical and modern languages. Latrobe started his career training under England's most renowned engineer of the day John Smeaton. Under Smeatons teachings Latrobe gained a strong grasp of technical and theoretical English civil engineering and meticulous draughtsmanship (Carter 1981, 1-2). Latrobe's interests in engineering soon led him to develop an interest in architecture. Latrobe decided to pursue his interest in architecture. He decided to work with S.R. Cockrell and become his apprentice. While Latrobe worked along with Cockrell he gained further experience and rapid advance ment in architecture. Latrobe did many side jobs designing public works where he also gained experience and individuality. During Latrobe's partnership with Cockrell he also met other renowned architects of the time. Two of which were Gorge Dance and John Soane. Both of these architects were very influential to Latrobes own work. In fact, all three architects were very influential. They all helped mold and create Latrobe's architectural style. During this advancing time period in architecture there were mainly three distinct styles of architecture. The first style was Old school. This style was strict Palladianism which was inspired by Palladio himself. The second school was Roman in origin and had a lot of functional space and had a lot of decorative detail. Latrobe found both these styles to be over rich and also to elaborate in detail. Latrobe found the Third school to be the most attractive. This style was sometimes called the "Plain Style," which was characterized by simplicity, geometric power and rationalism. With all these great teachers and mentors. Latrobe was able to develop his own style which would start a new form of architecture and create the Greek revival (Carter 1981, 12). 	Latrobe decided to move to the United States. With him be brought his architectural gift and curiosity. He was very interested in the US and he studied its history, its legends, the dress and manners of its people, and of course its architecture. Geological formations, waterfalls, the courses of rivers, and the nature of the soil and terrain were all carefully observed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dialogue Between Couple

â€Å"How are you? † â€Å"Honestly? I feel like I’m dying. † â€Å"That’s never good. † â€Å"Tell me about it. † â€Å"I doubt I could if I tried. † â€Å"Do you think that—? † â€Å"Hold up! You have an ant on your cheek. † â€Å"Get it off! † â€Å"Alright, alright, relax! † â€Å"I can’t believe I didn’t feel it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Shit! † â€Å"What? † â€Å"I killed it. † â€Å"Kain! † â€Å"Sorry! † â€Å"It only wanted to be on my cheek! † â€Å"Why would it want to be there? I probably put it out of its misery. † â€Å"That’s not funny! It liked me because I smell good. † â€Å"Apparently died because you smell good. † â€Å"So I do smell good, then? † â€Å"Just be quiet and watch the sunset. † â€Å"I’m tired of sunsets.I want to see a sun rise; they seem more rare, and happy. † â€Å"That’s ridiculous. Sun rises happen as much as sunsets. † â€Å"Yeah, but less people stay up to watch them. I think I might stay up all night to see tomorrow’s. Do you want to? † â€Å"Not really. I have to leave in ten minutes. † â€Å"Have you ever watched the sun rise? Not just been awake, but intentionally watched the sun rise? † â€Å"Just once. † â€Å"Why. † â€Å"I wanted to get my mind off of something. † â€Å"What? † â€Å"Nothing. Why are you so talkative all of a sudden? † â€Å"I was just thinking about the ant. I don’t want to die an ant. † â€Å"You’re not dying anytime soon. † You never know when you’ll crawl onto the wrong cheek. † â€Å"Hmmm. † â€Å"It is pretty, though, the sunset. The way the crimson bounces off the clouds. † â€Å"Yeah. † â€Å"I wish it lasted longer. † â€Å"If it did I don’t think I’d be as pretty. † â€Å"I suppose you’re right. † â€Å"Look, I have to go, or I’ll be late. † â€Å"Do you really have to leave? † â€Å"Yeah, I’m sorry. Happy birthday, Mia. I hope you feel better. † â€Å"Thanks, me too. See you later. † â€Å"See you. † â€Å"Umm, are you going, or are just going to stand there? † â€Å"It was you. † â€Å"Excuse me? † â€Å"My first sun rise. I was worried about you. † â€Å"Could you– could you stay? Please? † â€Å"I don’t think I was leaving. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Death Penalty Debate essays

Death Penalty Debate essays In biblical times, people abided by Gods law, known as The Ten Commandments. Today society is based on certain rules and laws that everyone must follow to keep our society running smoothly. Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is a punishment enforced on those who have committed serious crimes, for example murder. The death penalty is one of the most debated issues in todays society. Supporters of the death penalty agree that it decreases the rate of crime and population in prisons, and victims of a crime no longer fear that the killer will kill again. Supporters agree that the rate of crime is decreased by enforcing the death penalty on those committing serious crimes. By enforcing capital punishment, supports say that it deters others from committing serious crimes, such as murder. A person who premeditates a murder may think twice about the consequences of his/her actions if caught. In his article The Death Penalty on Trial Alter states the difficulty imagining a criminal thinking that since I might get the death penalty for this crime, I wont do it; but if only life in prison, Id go ahead (488). This proves that there is no prove that the death penalty will keep people from murdering or committing terrible crimes, but supporters still agree that the death penalty should be enforced. Executing a person does cost more than sentencing that person to life without parole. Even though execution costs more money, it reduces the prison population. Assume that everyone who was convicted of murder was sentenced to life without parole. That would cause population in prisons to overflow, meaning either prisoners would be released or more prisons would have to be built. Alter states in his article that unless executions are dramatically speeded up, the death penalty will remain far more expensive than life without parole (489). ...